Tutorial 5: Showing store elements

We extend the example from Tutorial 4: Two stores and conversion by functionality that allows to show store entries for strings and numbers with show -s and show -d, respectively.

Showing strings

For strings, we will use SVG as visualization format, and since we are not adding any customized user settings, we can simply add the following code to the example:

ALICE_SHOW( std::string, "svg", os, element )
  const auto svg = R"svg(
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
  <text x="0" y="36" font-size="36" font-family="Verdana">{}</text>

  os << fmt::format( svg, element );

We are using the ALICE_SHOW macro to implement the functionality. The first argument to the macro is the store type, followed by a default extension. This extension is used to create temporary filenames, if no filename argument is provided to show. The third argument is a reference to an output stream and the last argument is a reference to the current store element. In the implementation, we prepare an SVG string (using C++’s raw string literal), and insert the element text.

We can now show a string element using the default application as follows:

tutorial5> number 5; convert --number_to_str; print -s
tutorial5> show -s

We can also override the default program by explicitly specifying it using the --program option. The value should contain a {} where the filename is being inserted:

tutorial5> show -s --program "open -a \"Google Chrome\" {}"

The last command opens the generated SVG file using the Chrome web browser (open command works only in Mac OS).

Showing numbers

The number stores should be visualizes as PS file, and the font size should be customizable by the user. The macro ALICE_SHOW does not allow to add options to the command; instead, we override the functions can_show and show directly:

bool can_show<int>( std::string& extension, command& cmd )
  extension = "ps";

  cmd.add_option<unsigned>( "--fontsize", "font size" )->group( "Numbers" );

  return true;

In the implementation of can_show, we first define the default extension to be "ps". Afterwards, we add a command option --fontsize, which can take an unsigned int as a value. We also add it to the option group Numbers to organize the help string for show -h. Finally, we return true to enable the show command for numbers. This will add the -d flag to the command.

void show<int>( std::ostream& os, const int& element, const command& cmd )
  const auto ps = R"ps(
/inch {{72 mul}} def

/Times-Roman findfont {} scalefont setfont
2.5 inch 5 inch moveto
({}) show


  const auto fontsize = cmd.option_value<unsigned>( "--fontsize", 30 );
  os << fmt::format( ps, fontsize, element );

Similar as to the implementation for string visualization, we first create the output for the PostScript visualization and leave to placeholders for the font size and the actual number to print. The font size is read using the function option_value, which takes as first parameter the same option name that was given to add_option and as second parameter a default value. Note that the type argument unsigned must match the type that was used for add_option.